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Fear of Glaucoma: Meet your Glaucoma specialist Dr Kumar Ravi

Updated: Aug 10, 2019

When a patient comes for glaucoma check up in Dr Kumar Ravi ‘s eye clinic in Kolkata, he/she gets the benefit of

1.Complete eye examination is done with slit lamp microscopy.

2.Checking of eye pressure

Eye Pressure is checked with latest and most reliable applanation tonometry instrument. Applanation Tonometer is used in Out Patient Department for checking of eye pressure which is mentioned as Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in patients records sheet.The normal range of IOP recorded is 12-20 mm Hg.Tonometry is 1st done by the optometrist which is again confirmed by the glaucoma specialist Dr Kumar Ravi.

3.Checking of angles of anterior chamber (front part of eye)

Angles of anterior chamber of eye helps in continuous aqueous flow which in turn helps in maintaining intraocular pressure of the eye. Glaucoma specialist Dr Kumar Ravi uses a hand held contact lens to check the angles.The contact lens has a mirror which shows the eye doctor whether the angles is blocked (in cases of closed angle glaucoma) or the angles are open (in cases of open angle glaucoma or otherwise healthy eyes)

If any blockage in angles is seen or suspected on gonioscopy the glaucoma specialist Dr Kumar Ravi advises patients to undergo YAG laser Peripheral Iridotomy which is written as YAG PI in the patients records sheet.

Details of the procedure will be explained in my future blogs

If on gonioscopy angles seem to be open, ie if there is no blockage in aqueous flow then Patient is directed to get dilated for detailed fundus evaluation.


Glaucoma can lead to changes in the optic disc which can be visualised by a non contact procedure called slit lamp bio microscopy.It can be done through slit lamp ie patient in sitting position.Doctor uses a non contact lens with a source of light to examine the details of optic nerve of patients. The process is painless. Light passing through the lens may leave patient dazzled for few seconds, and most patients are back to normal before leaving the examination chair

Retina is also examined with indirect ophthalmoscope.

And after completing all the above steps a glaucoma specialist makes a provIsional diagnosis of glaucoma/ Suspect Glaucoma / No Glaucoma

5. Ancillary investigations

Visual field test: Written as HVF in patients records

Once the glaucoma diagnosis is established glaucoma specialist requests for a visual field test which is done to assess the extent of Glaucomatous damage to eyes and also to assess the progress. After glaucoma has been diagnosed, visual field tests are usually done one to two times a year to check for any changes in your vision.

Pachymetry-is a simple procedure to measure the thickness of cornea(black portion of your eye).A pachymetry probe is placed on the cornea of your eye to measure its thickness as the corneal thickness can influence your intraocular pressure. The entire process in painless and in completed in about 20-40 minutes.

About your glaucoma specialist: Dr Kumar Ravi is a renowned Glaucoma Specialist in Kolkata thoroughly trained in his field from one of the best eye hospitals in India i.e LV Prasad Eye Institute Hyderabad.He has practiced in Sankara Nethralaya Kolkata for 6 years.

To know more about him Read here

Want to know what patients say about your glaucoma specialist: Read here

Glaucoma specialist Dr Kumar Ravi examining patient eyes on slit lamp
Glaucoma specialist Dr kumar Ravi

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